Family business Family business

A family code of conduct is a list of guidelines (or expectations) for communication to which everyone agrees to adhere when they meet or interact as a family. It governs how participants talk to each other, not what they will talk about. It helps in preventing misunderstandings and conflicts in the family.

The initial moments when multigenerational family members convene can be particularly challenging. Differences in viewpoints, lifestyles, and working methods coupled with a sense of apprehension about finding common ground contribute to this unease. Fears may arise that certain voices will dominate, or that business issues will trigger deep-seated emotions.

In such moments, a code of conduct serves as an anchor to create a safe space for communication. It consists of a set of agreed-upon guidelines that govern how family members will conduct themselves during meetings.

For instance, a family’s code of conduct could include statements like “Refrain from interrupting before the family member completes sharing his/her thoughts,” “Get everyone to talk, not just the people who always dominate,” or “Talk about your own feelings without blaming others.”

Conscious Agreement Between Family Members

The code of conduct signifies a shared commitment to the well-being of all family members and the business perpetuity. While family dynamics might inherently involve differing perspectives, aligning on common goals and expectations establishes a strong foundation for decision-making.


Coming Together to Resolve Conflicts

The code of conduct should outline a process for conflict resolution that prioritizes open dialogue, empathy, and finding common ground. Encouraging a solution-oriented approach, rather than allowing conflicts to fester, ensures that differences are addressed promptly and constructively, safeguarding both the family relationships and business.

Family Interface/Behaviour with the External World

The way a family business interacts with the outside world plays a crucial role in shaping its reputation and brand image. Defining a code of conduct for these external interactions can help maintain consistency and professionalism.


Illustrations on code of conduct

We strive to address family, and family business conflicts privately and not argue in front of a client, employee, customer, or advisor.

We understand that blame and accusations are not productive places to start conversations. We want to approach each other with dignity and respect. We ask to be heard and try to remain inquisitive.

We make every effort to honor our time commitments, to complete tasks on time, arrive at scheduled meetings and events on time and be ready to participate.

Adapted from book Borrowed from your Grandchildren

A well-crafted code of conduct acts as a linchpin, ensuring effective communication, conflict resolution, and accomplishment of shared objectives.